Build your own robot (10+)

During this workshop you will be constructing a small robot together with belgian choreographer Ugo Dehaes. This robot was specially designed for his perfromance Simple Machines, a show in which Ugo constructs a whole new universe for small, organic-looking robots that have to learn how to dance. The KIKKBOTT consists of an Arduino Nano microship, 3 small motors, some custom 3D-printed elements and a distance sensor. Thanks to this sensor, your robot will be able to avoid object that block it's path.

The workshop can be adapted to the level of the group and the time that is available. The following elements are optional:
- preparation of the Arduino-microship: soldering wires.
- programmation of the Arduino-microship: a fast course on the basics of programming Arduino.
- customization of the robot: we can use materials like silicone and latex, or use found objects and materials.