In 2011 Time Magazine elected The Protester as person of the year.
Today, with even more injustice and inequality around us, The Protestor got tired and disoriented.
For PROTEST Belgian choreographer Ugo Dehaes investigates the physical aspects of protest: how can a big group form one screaming body? How can anger and frustration shape our dance?
From August to December 2012, Ugo Dehaes worked as Artist In Residence at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. For the first time in the history of the school, Ugo combined a residency with the students stage production (OPP) and two years of dance-student (MTD).
The general theme for this residency was PROTEST. Within the OPP-department Ugo mentored these future managers and administrators through the experience of producing art themselves through workshops in costume, set, video and sound design. Parallel Ugo worked with the 33 students of MTD on a location-project, a new dance creation called PROTEST. Although two different projects, Ugo tried to use some of the designs and ideas from the work with OPP in the final piece he made with the dancers.