Geschreven en in lezing geplaatst door Stéphane Arcas
Met Renaud Cagna, Cécile Chèvre, Wouter Devriese, Aurélie Eltvetd, Bernard Eylenbosch, Vered Noach en live muziek: Arnaud Michniak (ex Diabologum-Programme)
Concetto spaziale: Raphaël Rubbens
Dank aan: Lucie Périneau, Thomas Bernardet, Hélène Tilly, Fabrice Vidal, Manuel Pomar, Nicolas Gout, Pascal Marzo en Michel Cloup.
" I wanted to describe the « sacrified generation » feeling of the 90's, that temporal no-man's-land. It was like the waiting room to a new millennium of which no one hoped or expected anything."