Choreography: Ugo Dehaes in samenwerking David Framba
Dance: David Framba
Dramaturgy: Marie Peeters
Music: Roeland Luyten and fragment from Maurice Ravel's Piano concerto for the left hand
Lights: Arne Lievens
Video: Gertjan Biasino
Costumes: Oona Mampuys
Computational Creativity: Prof. Wiggins (The AI Experience Centre - VUB)
Preliminary research: Alexander Craens

Production: kwaad bloed
Coproduction: C-TAKT, Schauburg Theater für junges Publikum, STUK, Perpodium
In collaboration with: Schouwburg c o r s o
Distribution: Vincent Company
With the support of: de Vlaamse overheid en Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid
kwaad bloed is structurally supported by VGC

Residencies: The AI Experience Centre, Axiles Bionics, De Factorij, Het Gasthuis, 30CC, Danserie, De Pianofabriek, Destelheide
Research with the support of: Participatieve Partnerprojecten van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap